Update: My best friend (25m) asked me out (24f) out of the blue last weekend. I told him that I only saw him as a friend, and now he won't return my calls.

It's not remotely relevant. As I said, she's ONE of numerous female friends. An exception, not the rule.

It is relevant and it's not an exception. By the way now she's a "friend" again? She went from being a "friend" to someone you have feelings for then back to a "friend."

But all YOU are to HER is a creepy thirsty guy and it's so evident she has told everybody about it.

Again, you are the token "beta orbiter" of myth and legend.

Again, I'm not going to insult them by calling them "fat and ugly" behind their backs. But, as I said, many of them I DON'T find attractive. And that doesn't matter, because I'm not looking for sex from them, I'm looking for friendship.

You have never attempted to befriend a fat or ugly girl in your life.

You are not interested in friendship.

You want to get laid and you think appealing as a guy who has "lots of friends that are girls" will help your strategy.

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