UPDATE: sorry for re-asking but Anxious and panic attack brides (and/or ED brides), Encouragement and general advice needed.

I was diagnosed with dysthymia (chronic low level depression) at 15, eating disorder nos otherwise specified at 19 (anorexia without all the criteria, but also, I think I was bulimic), and general anxiety disorder somewhere in my 20s. I've done the ED battle for a really long time. I have to say, therapy changed my life for the better. But keep this in mind--- it does NOT change the factors in your life to make it better. It will not make you richer, have a better job, be skinner, have better relationships, feel better, or the other things most people expect from therapy. And that is a big reason a lot of people think therapy is a waste. But that is not the point of therapy.

Therapy is there to teach you the tools to navigate the hardships of your life better, not to automatically make your life better.

In fact, as we say in therapy, you're often going to feel worse better you start to feel better. But I stuck with it, for years. I am so much happier and my life is so much better now. Therapy wasn't the magic wand that changed it all but it helped arm me with the cognitive tools I needed to get by. My finances are stable now because I can budget well, pay off my debts, have a nice stable job, and most importantly not get overwhelmed with anxiety every time I have to pay a bill. My ED... Mostly gone. Currently reading a book on intuitive eating. Healthy weight, just trying to get a little, but pretty content most days. Most of the angst is gone.

So yeah. I'm a big fan of therapy and I'm glad you're considering it. Shop for one that is good and matches you well.

When it comes to wedding finances--- if it were me, I wouldn't risk my anxiety by relying on outside factors for the money. i'd downscale the wedding to fit only what I myself could afford. That's just me and you don't have to do that.

I hope it all works out for you and you feel better!

/r/weddingplanning Thread