UPDATE: Terrified that my (25F) husband (28M) has been having sex with me while I'm asleep. Now I'm pregnant.

So let me get this straight. You accused him of rape, after discovering you and him are pregnant together. I say together because it should’ve been a joyful occasion. He gets upset, and admits to sexual acts while you were asleep. Now you two are fighting again, all while you are pregnant now?

My advice, have a lengthy conversation about the matter. With the agreement that neither of you are going to get overtly emotional while discussing it. People are quick to call rape, thought it’s extremely common for women to stroke men off while they’re asleep. The difference people seem to forget, is it’s your spouse for Christ sake. People aren’t perfect, couples have an attraction to each other, that isn’t rocket science. Unless you feel uncomfortable about what he did, agree to let it go under the condition he never does it again. Allow the time to tell your side, allow him the time to tell his side. You both have a story to play in this, your pregnancy was consensual. Move on for your child’s sake. This is only as big as the two of you make it.

/r/relationship_advice Thread