[USA] NYPD stop driver for running red light that was clearly green in dash cam footage

For all the cop haters, yes this cop is wrong. But if you go deeper, this cop is a small piece of the problem.

The problem is all the weight above him to "perform". You see, I have many cop family members and they tell me all their stories. In NYC the street cop is highly stressed by his/her superiors to meet a minimum number of Tickets and Arrests per month. If they don't meet these numbers, they suffer consequences.

If they try to complain to their superiors, they risk getting in more trouble. If they attempt to go to the media or make "recordings" they will be considered an "EDP" which is slang for mentally unstable and lose their jobs and possibly even be detained. Look up the story of Officer Adrian Schoolcraft. He tried doing the right thing by recording his superiors doing these types of things, giving cops quotas etc, he felt the full wrath of what they can do to a cop that doesn't "obey".

So As a cop you have two decisions to make. Pull someone over and give them a questionable ticket to make a number your boss expects you to and move on... or not make your "Numbers" and go back to the precinct and deal with consequences. When you have a family at home that depends on you having a paycheck and kids to support, the answer isn't so easy.

The System is fucked up.

/r/Roadcam Thread Link - youtu.be