[Vent] Take your unwanted dog to a shelter. If you have no other choice euthanize him. But PLEASE, PLEASE for the love of all that is decent, don't "drop him off in the country"

Let me tell you about my two dogs.


Lady was found left in a walmart parking lot with the rest of her litter when someone put up a pen with a sign tha said "free puppies!!". this was middle of summer in Texas and they left a massive bowl of food and water and drove off. Lady was the runt in a litter of all boys except her. I was told she'd be 35lbs and now she is 70. Lady is now 10 years old and I've had her longer than my wife. She loves to chase squirrels and sleep. Literally since the day I got her she never had a puppy phase. She loves to chill. Granted, she's ten now so I'm accpeting the fact she is a "senior" and that I'm going to have to deal with circumstances that surround old dogs. Never the less, she's been one freaking amazing dog and is fantastic!


Olive was another rescue. So very nice people left her and her litter in the dump which just happens to be right next to the SPCA. Thanks kind strangers. The vet said she didn't have a good chance of living, but she kicked some butt and made it! I was told olive would be 30lbs but I knew better this time. She's now 60lbs! Olive still has a massive scar on her foot but I don't think she's ever noticed. Olive is two and has turned Lady back into a young dog. They 'fight' and play and hae a blast together. Olive may have a crazy streak but I'll be damned if she isn't the first one to find a spot on the couch and cuddle with you after a bad day.

My point in all of this is, yes, shitty things can happen to dogs. But just remember how many people out there truly love these animals and will do anything in their power to take care of them! This thread is full of people and the majority of people I know have rescues.

I don't know the point of this, just thought Id counter the sad stories you heard with some happy stories.

Here are Lady and Ollie after the dog park

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