A video of 20 ALF activists breaking into a hatchery today in Israel

Thank you. from OhLookAnOpinon sent 4 hours ago I need to thank you. I'm sure you hear this a lot from people you convert to veganism who praise you for helping them 'see the light' as it were. You've done just that with me. You're obviously aware that I was having an identity crisis of sorts, having been raised vegan. Talking to you I started going over the reasons for veganism and realised that I was trying to convince myself that they were right. That they made sense. That I believed them. I don't. I became aware of my own cognitive dissonance. I feel that animals deserve to live without cruelty but they are in no way equal to humans. They're sentient, which makes them deserving of animal rights but they aren't sapient, which means they aren't deserving of human rights. I'm refusing to eat animals when I don't actually believe that animals should be eaten. I'm sick of needing vitamin supplements just to ensure I have enough B12 and things in my diet. You can care for one animal while eating another. I can buy an ant farm and still step on an ant on the sidewalk. After sending you my last reply I went out and bought some jerky. I've never tried it and always wanted to. I got beef, kangaroo, emu and crocodile. They taste incredible! My stomach didn't turn, I didn't cry and I didn't feel remorse. I felt full. For what feels like the first time in years. So thank you. Thank you for the push that I needed. Just like all those people who needed to hear your words to convince them to try veganism for a little while. Thank you for helping me take the plunge to start eating like the omnivore I've always been.

Here it is copy and pasted. This is what this fucking freak sent me and is denying she sent. So weird. Why? What is she trying to achieve? Nobody knows. Now watch her claim I am just seeing things because of my downs syndrome or whatever she is on about now. Soooooooooooooooo FUCKING weird.

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