[Video] MMA referee Blake Grice humiliating and mocking a mentally ill person over "stolen valor"

14 year BJJ player isn't shit when someone pulls a gun or knife.

Absolutely right... so why engage him? Why not go inside and avoid him? Why confront him and keep him engaged in conversation? Mr. Grice didn't sound too scared.

He also had his kids and his class to worry about

Is that why he let them all come outside with him and laugh together with him? They appeared to be terrified of this clear and present danger that they were presented with.

I've trained with Blake and there are kids as young as 14 in there sometimes, not to mention his two small children.


Go spend a few hours at the old gym in Anderson SC and then tell me there was never a threat here.

That doesn't make everything and everyone a threat. I expect adults to use their best judgment on a case by case basis. If there is a serious threat, you avoid it and contact authorities... you don't confront the threat and expose all of your students to the threat.

I don't idolize Blake and I disagree with many of his opinions (i.e. I'm a flaming liberal and Blake is fairly conservative) but he is a friend and I'm seeing something blown completely out of proportion by someone who almost definitely has an ulterior motive here.

My motive is to shine a light on this disgusting behavior. As a veteran myself, I feel that I have the right to be outraged. People like him act like they can speak for me and they shouldn't. The same way that BJJ players should be outraged when a BJJ player in their community does something heinous.

You're crying "sick" because you don't like Blake. You've probably met him a handful of times at events and thought he was an asshole.

Never once have I met Blake. I'm from the gulf coast of Mississippi and I served in the USMC from 2003-2007. Other than being a fanboy of MMA/BJJ, I have zero involvement or interaction with those communities beyond my constant browsing of /r/MMA and the UG.

Blake admits in his follow up video that maybe he was harsh on the kid, but he's also passionate about our military and protecting the honor of those who serve.

He's completely missing the point. He's defending his actions as if he were dealing with a sane, rational adult. The issue is that he was dealing with an incompetent, young delusional person. This is not a matter of "protecting our honor"... this is a matter of a bully unnecessarily harassing someone weaker.

Also, your comment about 'crying racism' leads me to believe you, sir, are in fact a racist.

Again, playing the racist card... nice.

/r/MMA Thread Parent Link - youtube.com