Walmart to stop selling Confederate flag merchandise

Legitimate question... I know the flag in question can be viewed as racist and bigoted by some. However when did we start passing laws in this country that limit the freedoms we have because they are offensive? I feel a bit saddened. I'm not from the south. But have travelled in the 48 all over. Everyone seems to think their way is better sometimes. If someone wants to be a racist prick. So what? If someone wants to wear a head dress so be it. If someone wants to bitch about Indians and someone wants to play for them so what? Some people worship different. Some hate a whole race of people. Where does the line get drawn? I have little pride left in my country when someone is stereotyped or feels entitlement. I think the line is when people start acting on those beliefs to segregate and eliminate other groups. Whatever those groups might be. I'm not supporting of the flag but if someone wants to wave it, I think we should allow them to do so. Good men and woman fought to make sure you can wave whatever flag, support whatever religion, or say just about anything. Keep it separate from government and leave it be. Walmart not supporting it shouldn't be news. Just like chic fil a and gays shouldn't be either or any other corporate pandering to the masses. I feel this is just the media running with this since some kid caused some tragic event and the world goes nuts. Trying to analyze every little hair or speck that doesn't mean shit. Maybe he was just fucking nuts. Maybe some kid found someone or thing he related too or could confide in and when that didn't satisfy him anymore he lost his fucking marbles. No one is just crazy anymore. They are just mentally ill and we need to correct them and show them the way. Maybe if someone gave him a damn hug and a told him he did a good job once in awhile maybe he'd think he was worth something. But nope just a fucktard who will have his name go down in history on every TV channel instead of the kid who kicked ass on Saturday at the game. Now if you'll excuse me and my rant while I grab another mixed drink and watch the shit roll in. Let someone put a confederate flag on their car or on their house. It's their car and house. The whole country is turning into one giant HOA. Does someone having a confederate hat and a fuck you t shirt make a statement? Probably. Does someone in a raiders jacket and a hat backwards make a statement? Most likely. But if you stop going to Walmart cause they sell something with a confederate flag on it. Your an idiot. I hate Walmart anyway. I need a water. Walmart buys water for like a buck per 750 gallons. And sells it to people for shitload of profit. This plus almond production is why cali is in a drought. Hate Walmart for that. And you can wave your sign and flags in protest cause merica that's why. Sleeeeeeeep

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