Warren reminds Trump he offered $1 million if she proved her Native American heritage, calls on him to donate it

Warren needs to come to terms with this and move on. An ancestor 6 (or more) generations ago does not make her a Native American. That’s what, 1.5% of her ancestry?

She was probably just some hippy kid whose parents told her she had Native American ancestry. Then when she was 17 it made her feel special and she put in on her college forms. She may have been taking advantage of a system designed to help minorities, which is wrong. That said, she was young. She wasn’t doing it out of malice. She didn’t ruin any lives. She’s not still doing it. It’s not like she goes around in native dress speaking Algonquin and claiming to be the first American Indian Senator. It’s not a big deal. Warren, just come to terms, say you were wrong, and move on.

/r/politics Thread Link - thehill.com