Weekly Self Thread - Tells us what's on your mind: introduce or promote yourself, vent or rant, celebrate achievements and talk about your romantic relationships.

I know I really shouldn't be this bothered by it, but... I got rejected by this girl and it feels really bad. Normally I deal well with rejection, but this time just felt awful. I'm a junior in high school, and we recently talked for the first time in a while by me asking her to prom. I don't think she was expecting it, but she said yes! I was excited and I really wanted to make it a fun night for both of us!

And I thought it was! We went to dinner beforehand, just us, and talked the entire time. Then we went and enjoyed the prom, and afterwards we walked around the gorgeous lake at the venue and just talked again for a while. It seemed like we'd both had a great time. So the monday after prom, I thought I'd ask her out again, thinking "hey, we both enjoyed ourselves, we're both single, why not?"

Obviously, though, she said no. She gave me the standard "let's just be friends for now" pitch. I dealt with it well in the moment, just smiled, said I understand, then walked away. But it really feels bad now. I just wonder what I did wrong now, or how I could have done things better. I don't know man. At least I had a fun prom night I guess, but now I feel like I would have been better off not going :(

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