Weekly Team/Character Building Megathread (Jan 5, 2021)

Short answer: there's nothing wrong with your team, it's good.

Disclaimer; if you really like Razor, don't let me change your mind just because I'm talking about his strenghts and weaknesses. Long answer that you don't have to read if you like Razor for reasons other than gameplay/usefulness:

Razor is the best physical DPS, but is classified as a selfish character because his Burst forces you to stay on Razor and using him on a team means using him on field for a long duration. This means not using other character's skills even when they are off cooldown, which means generating less energy, which means gaining less energy and using less elemental bursts. Furthermore he does not generate energy with his E while using his Q.

This results in him scaling less well into the late game.

Most of his damage comes from normal attacking and is physical rather than from skills that activate in an instant and do elemental damage.

Melt and vaporize are the most potent elemental reactions and Razor can only really benefit from Superconduct, which is why e.g. Diona tends to be a good support for him, but any cryo unit can do it really (Qiqi not as well as the others though).

All in all your team is perfectly fine, maybe an archer would be great for exploration, but for all other intents and purposes in the open world you're good. Consider investing in a cryo character like kaeya or diona if you want to continue using razor to amplify razors damage.

If you never liked razor and only used him because e.g. you heard he was strong, Bennett/Jean can be great DPS characters as well, with bennett synergizing amazingly well with xingqiu.

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