[WEEKLY THREAD] Whiny Wednesday - Tell us what really grinds your gears!

I lost 30 lbs in 5 months a few years ago and kept it off for two years, then I gained 20 back and have been carrying it around for the past year.

I'm finally back on the motivation train and I am so happy, pumped, doing Strong Curves, losing weight quickly, eating healthy. Loving every aspect.

Except I'm annoyed as fuck because my husband has always liked to chime in about my goals or critique my body at different times yet he REFUSES to work out. With me, on his own, whatever.

It's doubly annoying because I wasn't even irritated about my own weight gain, still felt happy with my body and everything, then he felt the need to do the whole subtle weight-loss suggestion thing for months before I caught on. I finally realized when I was stretching and he reached over and rubbed my stomach and said something like "What is this?"


So then of course I spiraled into deep insecurity then I would look in the mirror and be like wtf is he talking about, why have so many idiots in my life critiqued my body when I LIKE how I look?

Then I finally got motivated for me because I love being strong and I have so many cute jeans I can't fit into anymore, but it still pisses me off that he felt like my 20 lb weight gain (putting me solidly in the middle of the healthy range for my height) was concerning enough for him to feel the need to point it out, but he literally just sits on his ass in front of his computer all day.

Also this is seriously like the one major complaint about my husband and everything else is small potatoes, he was very apologetic about making me feel shitty and in general he's very wonderful.

But still, the hypocrisy is what grinds my fucking gears.

/r/xxfitness Thread