Well, I just joined so I figure I should tell a few stories. My MIL barely contacts me, so most of my stories will be about my mom. Here is a screenshot to start everything off.

I have a ton more screenshots, but I won't be able to share all of them because a few have names.

I feel a lot more comfortable talking here than I do in justnofamily, so that is why this is about my mother and not my mother in law.

This text screenshot is an example of how my mother is. This is not the worst thing that we have talked about, but this does give an outlook as to how religious and controlling she can be. Conversations used to start like this and I used to give in only for her to continue to harass me about going to church. Nowadays, she doesn't even talk to me about it anymore because over the years I have put my foot down. I am 22 years old, I was in the army, I have been married for almost three years, I met my husband in the army. I have had two cars, the one I have now is my second, and it is a brand new car that I CAN make payments on. Neither my husband or I have any debts, we are both starting college soon, and I'm about to give birth to our first child. We are financially stable and do not want for anything. My mother does not see this, I guess she has blinds in front of her eyes... Because she continues to try to tell me what to do, and she continues to treat me like I'm still in high school with no idea how to wipe my own ass.

I need to tell my sister about this subreddit, she actually lives in the same area as my mother.. and good lord I know she has it bad because of that.

/r/JUSTNOMIL Thread Link - imgur.com