A well-known RedPill contributor gets into hot water when other Redpillers disagree with his college survival guide. "This is not the path to Alpha. This is the path to becoming the worst fucking douchebag known to man... How is this crap getting upvoted?"

I'm not sure why you are taking this to the most extreme places?

TRP is the extreme; they are quite literally the stormfront of gender and sexual relations.

From my very first reply I made it very clear I was talking about a small minority.

How small is that? How are you quantifying them and whst makes them distinct from other TRPers? Show me even one thread in that sub where they openly oppose taking advantage of women. Not nerds, not other white guys, and I'll cop to being wrong.

Is it impossible to you there could be a few guys peacocking and "playing cool" when in reality they're just trying to find some sort of acceptance somewhere?

You don't go from "smug confidence" to "PUA kool aid drinking sexist" without a buffer zone inbetween. TRP is firmly on the other sidebof that zone.

It's your very same unwillingness to bring it down from a 10 in aggressiveness that can make some people feel like the only people who will listen to them are people in TRP.

My intolerance of rapists and misogynists is what causes rapists and misogynists to behave and think as they do, got it. Quick question; do you guys ever believe in personal accountability?

Wouldn't you rather them be able to talk to me? to you¿

Literally 99% of love/relationship gurus aren't like TRP; blaming me for them ending up in the extreme 1% is pathetic.

You can keep yelling at me and throwing buzzwords, but I'll continue to try to find the good in others...even some red pillers.

You only seek kout the good in red pillers and coontown types; you give them.benefit if the doubt you simply fon't afford their opposition and vivtims. No one is yelling here; you should be capable of handling critcism without making up tone.

/r/SubredditDrama Thread Parent