Were you ever bullied in school? How did you deal with the bullying and how do you wish you dealt with it? Who were your bullies?

Got bullied for not being able to speak English and being of a different ethnic background, encountered quite a bit of racism as well (majority white school in London). Worst case scenario I reported and the school got involved, I believe it went on the person's records. The teasing wasn't bad but humiliating it was, I remember during an assembly the entire hall laughing at me for my accent and bad grammar. Ended getting the highest grade in my class for English and do public speaking, narrating and also write articles for my uni now.

But it motivated me to improve myself even more so I took on sports and participated in everything. Also taught myself how to stand my ground verbally and protect myself - which got me into a lot of fights and excluded once but I was liked and a high achiever so it was worth it lmao. Haven't hit my 20's yet and have a long way to go but I'm incredibly confident and comfortable with who I am already

/r/ABCDesis Thread