what to do about horrible bad breath that's ruining my life?

Tonsils are the main and shitty asat bitch ass #1 reason for morning breath, let alone everyday breath. Remove your tonsils. It'll be the best decision you had ever made in your life trust me. On another note, I wouldn't recommend it, but if you feel like killing yourself at that point, like I said, I wouldn't recommend it, but, cut them off yourself or cut them to the point where there's no other choice but to remove them. Idk why they have accutane but there's bitch ass faggot ass ENT Dr.'s that look the other way with that kind of stuff. Fuck them and their indian ass bitch ass Allaahu Akbar "safety premeasures" (down vote me to the death, but I'm just really frustrated with this stupid shit and i think you guys can agree with me. Stupid ass bitches say "ohh it's okay I smell too look smell my shirt. Stfu bitch body odor is not the same nor similar to bad breath, I want to kill everybody in the world because this bitch ass stupid frustration feels like it's gonna be the death of me.

Tldr; If worse comes to worse, cut your tonsils to the point of no going back, no matter the price, the ER will have no choice but to remove them. FUCK tonsils. They're useless as fuck and even if they were useful, tell me now, would you rather live life with tonsils and bad breath knowing that it will fuck with you psychologically for the rest of your life or would you rather live life without tonsils and not worry about them giving you bad breath in the middle of a social situation.. I'm 22 and just for the record, bad breath is the most frustrating thing I've ever dealt with in my entire life so fuck that shit and fuck tonsils, they don't deserve a place in the Human body.

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