What do you think about men who repress or hide of their emotion?

Right? I mean how many stereotypes are there about people not expressing themselves, and those are negative? I mean sure, people talk about the Don Draper archtype, but if you actually, genuinely watch the show, it's clear he is not an admirable character. And don't even get me started on the jokes about women saying they're "fine" instead of expressing themselves.

I'm a selfish person. I've never denied this. I often look at things from a value based perspective, and I'm prone to wondering "yea but why should I do this...". Expressing myself seems like the easiest way to get to the point. Whether I want something, want to avoid it, don't want to talk about it, or can't help but notice... it's always my perogative to express myself, so the other party's can take my opinion into consideration, and act accordingly. Expressing myself is the first step in getting what I want, or at least... working with people from different perspectives to find the best solution.

I don't understand this fiteshizing of not talking about your emotions. I find when people idolize the concept, they only really mean a select few emotions, particularly those associated with sadness. Those same "stoic, even keeled, repressed" people have no qualms expressing rage, happiness, frustration, annoyance, elation, etc etc etc. If I were to diagnose (with my high school degree and 1/2 a semester of school) I'd assume they were trying to hide their vulnerability. I know that's the reason I did. Ultimately though, I found the best way to avoid exposing myself to harm was to premtively make my opinion known, so others could take that into consideration before acting.

So yea, I emote. And I look down at people who repress. That's not to say you can't be genuinely stoic, even keeled, and not really prone to emoting, hell I know many people with that demeanor. But intentionally repressing? That's a landmine I don't want any part of, friend or lover.

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