What actor just doesn't get enough credit?

Tom Cruise, because he's a crazy Scientologist. Hear me out!

Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol, he is actually climbing the building for real and jumping out. My god this video is fucking badass, no fear. I skipped to where he jumps out the window and runs face first down the tallest building in the world.

The dude spends months preparing for a character. In Collateral he spent time live firing pistols. The character was a hitman, it had to be second nature to him so he made it so. He's a quick draw. "If you train an actor with live ammo, when he's firing the blanks on set, in his mind it's real and really happening".

In Knight and Day he did all his own stunts. Racing a motorbike around tiny streets, jumping to and from moving cars, being throw around by another assassin. There is a beast of a fight scene on a plane.. It's like a choreographed dance.

In Jack Reacher he did all the stunt driving in a besat of a car, driving down the wrong side of the road, drifting, skids at 60mph..

He test drove the Red Bull F1 racing car and the guy said he learned ridiculously fast and was a brilliant driver. In the same video he is flying and flips a helicopter.

In The Colour of Money his character has to play snooker, so e spent 10-12 hours a day practicing and the professional player who taught him said he had a ridiculous amount of skill and could go professional if he wanted to.

The one everyone knows about, Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation he was hanging on the side of the plane as it took off and flew around.

Then there is Mission Impossible with the Fish Tank Scene where thousands of gallons of water got released. It was a one take shot and he cut his foot on glass, but they made the shot.

Then another movie where he trained to hold his breath for 6 fucking minutes. Try holding it for one.

The dude might have a bit of a screw loose when it comes to his religion, but he gives his best every day, does all his own stunts, everyone who works with him says kind things and he's a brilliant active listener. He's living out his dreams.

But everyone hates him because he's a Scientologist.

/r/AskReddit Thread