At what age did you realize that you are struggling with social anxiety? What age are you now?

I was vaguely aware of my discomfort around social situations from a pretty young age, but I assumed this was quite normal to a degree.

It wasn't until I was about 19-20 at university where I really began to see that I was struggling in a different way to my peers.

I couldn't seem to make friends or connections as easily as them and there were a couple of times where I physically couldn't enter a lecture hall 5 minutes late as the thought of having 100+ eyes on me as I entered filled me with so much terror that I just opted to miss the lecture entirely.

29 now. Things seemed to get better and worse at the same time. I started to do well in the workplace but the stress finished me and I quit. My relationships all fell apart and I left to travel the world.

I recently got diagnosed with Asperger's, which makes sense. Might kms soon, really not sure this whole life thing is for me. The good is all mixed in with the bad and it's hard to tell which way is up and which way is down for the most part.

/r/socialanxiety Thread