At what age were you the most emotionally unstable?

16-17. My family was under significant financial duress while my dad worked barely above minimum wage and increasing emotional strain as my parents' failing marriage started to totally crumble.

I had been sheltered in a Christian environment my whole life until I was 16 and moved to a public school for the first time. I also got a job at a local movie theatre.

I resented my parents for not trusting me when I had always been a very responsible kid with straight A's and an active extracurricular life at my old school. I think it broke when my mother grounded me for 3 months because I asked my dad's permission to go out with new friends instead of asking her. It drove me into rebellion that was swift and painful: I wound up pregnant. Woo, abstinence only education! For context, my older sister was saving herself for her fiance of 7 years who was a youth pastor. This was exceptionally bad. After it came out, I was pulled from the public school and put in an online school so I could work more to support the medical costs. I had no friends, not even my sisters were comfortable around me and would make comments about not wanting to sleep in my bed. I was not allowed to see my boyfriend except for in church (where I was asked to apologize to the entire congregation), at doctor's appointments, and at the adoption agency where I was being counseled on my options (adoption).

Only years later did I understand how horrible of an environment I was in. As a parent, I endeavor to never let my children feel that their lines of communication are closed, especially when it comes to dating. I had isolated myself. I was so scared to talk to anyone about anything because I knew I'd lose more of my very limited freedom. I had no understanding of what it was like to have the feels that come with dating. I was ashamed of myself for being so confused. I withdrew from everything and no one noticed til I had made decisions that were irreversible.

/r/AskWomen Thread