What Anti-work actually means

It’s always a good idea to remind the general audience that people don’t want free-loaders, just freedom from the constant load of work for little compensation.

If you want to be worthless and lazy, than get away from the working class who wish to earn their keep. The issue is nobody really gets to earn their keep when the grifters constantly latch on to our money via taxes, debts, price-hikes, etc.

The government and corporate interests have been in bed with each other since the beginning. They centralize power to obtain wealth while getting normal people to fight over nonsensical stuff that doesn’t impact their lives as much as the elites want you to think.

why we are currently shooting for 10% inflation while wages are stagnate? Why did we watch some 4-5 trillion dollars in relief go to failing/failed/prosperous businesses while the working class got a pity check worth a fraction of that money in total? Why are we hoarding oil reserves and halting refinement while also allowing corporations to buy foreign oil and sell it at a mark up?

Full disclosure: I really do hate communism, fascism, and most proposed forms of socialism that involve empowering one group and disenfranchising another. Corporatism is one of those -isms. I hate that we pretend that one party is on our side and the other is the enemy and both think this of each other. It’s those in power vs those who are under said power.

/r/antiwork Thread Link - i.redd.it