What are the funniest episodes of any television series?

"Charlie Work" - It's Always Sunny Always Sunny may be my all time favorite and Charlie may be the best character, but it's up for debate. Anyways it's just the best Charlie episode in my opinion.

"Ozymandias" - Breaking Bad Though this isn't the last episode of the series, this is really the climax of it. For 6 years the show was able to build this immense tension between it's characters more so than in any other drama I've seen and it finally breaks in this episode.

"Who Goes There" - True Detective It's hard to pick one out from the first season but what makes this episode stand out is the crazy intense long take at the end of the episode. It's really amazing.

"Ron & Tammy" and "Ron & Tammy: Part Two" Ron gets back together with his ex-wife (who is actually Nick Offerman's wife in real life) and just shit hits the fan. It's hard to explain but it's the best Ron episodes and he's not even acting like Ron for most of it.

"Rixty Minutes" - Rick and Morty Really every episode is hilarious but this episode has the interdimensional TV shows that are my favorite part of the show.

"Make Love Not Warcraft" - South Park Really just everything you want from a South Park episode, especially if you've ever played World of Warcraft or any MMORPG like it. The jokes are great and Randy may be at his best here, but how Matt and Trey are able to really hit the nail on the head about MMORPG culture is what makes it for me.

"Hashtag FOMO" - Broad City It's really just the ending of this episode. You really don't see it coming ("I love diamonds"). Also where I learned the term FOMO.

"My Screw Up" - Scrubs ... I don't want to talk about it. Great episode though.

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