What are some common things that seem really weird the more you think about them?

I'm not from the US, so the system is a bit different. I wanted to be a programmer with a computer science degree. I enrolled into an engineering college with 10 different possible specializations, 5 focused on the hardware part of it and 5 focused on the software part.

The first year is the same for everyone, though. No specializations and a little bit of both. On the second you'd pick a direction and once you get a bachelor's you pick a specialization for the final 2 years. Anyway, I flunked out after failing my first year for the second time because I'm a lazy fuck and am now "in between colleges" so to say.

The (noteworthy) courses of the first semester were Introduction to electrical engineering, Introduction to programming, Digital logic and Math 1. Second semester had Math 2, Programming 2, Physics 1 and Computer architecture. I hate electrical engineering and Math 1 is infamously hard (something like 4/5 fail) so I failed those. Consequently I could only take Programming 2 in the second semester which I managed to pass. Anyway the two I failed were blocking from taking a bunch of different shit and I just dragged them along, failing them until I ran out of chances.

What I wrote up there is covered by Digital logic which is a very in depth course considering it's just introductory. It can get difficult, but I always appreciated the logic part of it, as no matter how complex you get it's always obvious that it directly stems from extremely simple building blocks and concepts. It takes (and develops) a certain kind of analytical thought that makes you able to imagine a complex machine and then disassemble it to these simple parts.

Anyway, engineering is tough but extremely rewarding if you're interested in it. Just be or become the kind of person that's able to tolerate and transcend wading through a lot you aren't interested in as well. Programming and building/imagine digital systems give me a huge kick and I've done both for fun more than for college really. On the other hand dealing with resistors, Volts, currents and similar esoteric bullshit makes me suicidal and proved to be too much of a hurdle. Math is cool, but will bitch slap you harder than anything at the slightest sign of disrespect.

Best of luck with your future education and please let me know if you have any other questions :).

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