What are some work related sexual harassment that most men just don’t get and continue?

“Hahaha. It’s just me. You know I’m just joking around, you know I’m not like that. We’re friends right? Haha. You’d say something if this bothered you. But your not like one of those girls who can’t take a joke. You know I’m just playin. Just tell me if it bothers you. Haha. I know you love my shoulder rubs”

Fuck YOU and I’m not going to say anything because it would just make everything awkward and a hassle for ME because YOU are the sensitive one. So I’ll just grin and bear it because I just want to work, make money and go the fuck home. They all say the same thing and never see themselves as the creep. Guess what if you touch someone or tell gross jokes/stories/state/invade space/etc you ARE the gross creep. You are. Own it.

/r/AskWomen Thread