What are things men do that they THINK women find attractive, but actually isn’t?

English is not my native, sorry. I have expressed myself a bit wrong way while hurrying to put phone away and start work, and dwelling on my last breakup a bit.

To clarify, I meant exact same situation just reverse sex. I had few woman that said I'm a looser for going away once they stated they have boyfriend. I have been told I give up too easy for going away after they have few minutes lasting kisses with some other guy. I've been told I should be more aggressive and compete. In exact those spots where I feel like I'm just respecting female wishes and not bothering her, because she's not interested in me. Which is fine. I get that not everyone likes everyone.

I had few past friends who came forward years later saying they were so in love with me. Yet said nothing. Actually opposite - always chatting about how their boyfriends are awesome and great and best and etc. Had few that always complained how awful their boyfriends are and how awesome guy I am. Yet when I've asked them out, been told no. Most annoying phrase I've hear - "you're too good friend to become boyfriend". Surprisingly almost always they find reasons to drift away and not even stay friends afterwards.

I have been offered one of those marriage pacts if you know what I talk about.

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