What are your flaws?

I struggle with major anxiety. I have a lot of irrational fears — like being homeless someday or getting murdered or losing all of my teeth suddenly. I used to drink a lot to deal with this, but I've now been sober for 5 years. I'm too tall and very, very small chested with wide hips. (Though still considered "thin" by society—just a little out of proportion). I don't like to play sports of any kind and I don't want to be in situations where groups of people are staring at me. I need a lot of sleep and plenty of alone time. I love to go camping. (I often go by myself because all of my friends and my last relationship wasn't interested in this). I spend too much money on skincare. Sexually, I am pretty vanilla. (Which can be a disappointment for some men). I don't like to cook. I have a bad memory and misplace things often. I have an impatience toward clutter, collections, and video games. I am not good at closing containers completely. I avoid conflict. I am really rough on my clothes (I don't like separating my laundry). I need a lot of coffee in the morning. I have trouble trusting people.

/r/datingoverthirty Thread