What has Barack Obama done that makes so many Americans dislike him or blame him for almost everything wrong in the American society?

Obama voter here. Premium went from $165 to $428 and a deductible that more than doubled. I'm a healthy non-smoking male in his early 30's. His presidency was an overall success (Look where we are only 6 months into a Trump presidency - we're a global embarrassment), but this stung and nothing has been, or will be, done to correct it.

I'm "middle class" in stats only. I don't make enough to own anything significant outside of a 14 year old sedan - yet I don't qualify for any subsidies. I can appreciate the attempt at universal healthcare (considering how criminal our healthcare system is), but he lied about me being able to keep my plan. My plan was terminated and replaced with an ACA compliant plan that was worse after the open enrollment period. Can't go without insurance as I have a condition that requires monitoring. If my premium rises above $500 in 2018, I will forgo insurance and simply tell any hospital I have to visit that I can't pay. It seems to work for most who are contributing far less.

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