What is Bernie's plan to pass legislation if he gets elected? He has only donated $1000 for down ticket races. Does his "revolution" involve congressional races?

He has experience outside the Senate, he was also in Congress, a mayor, ran a political party, and also did some normal 8-5 type jobs, despite what people will have you believe. The tax thing is a joke, his "raises" on the middle class would be more than offset by the loss of health care costs. You have totally mischaracterized his foreign policy positions, go spend some time on https://berniesanders.com/issues/ and your viewpoint may change. Assuming you are referring to Nurses United, it has not been sanctioned by Bernie, and is the antithesis of a SuperPAC in general, so it's debatable, but I don't see how exactly you expect him to stop others from campaigning for him. Talking about smearing from your campaign- go look up David Brock and get back to me. Clinton is the fucking master of delegated smearing. I don't see how providing a path to higher education to people who have the ability but not the money is devaluing a college degree; if anything, that would be the biggest economic help you could ever imagine. I'm going to choose to ignore your ignorant and completely biased "artful smearing" of an entire generation of Americans, other than to state that it sounds a hell of a lot like Romney talking about 47% of Americans. The rest of your points are opinion only and like most economic policies, there are arguments on both sides. I currently pay a shitload of money in taxes for things I don't need or want, like endless wars; paying to help the less fortunate is part of the social contract that once made this country a better place. Polls show he is MORE electable against Repubs, and if more nonwhite voters listened to his actual stances than listened to Clinton supporters twisting his stances, maybe he would show more cross-cultural appeal. I mean, it's not like the guy was a civil rights activist who was arrested protesting degregation or anything, right?

That's my five minute response.

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