What is the best pickup line you've ever heard?

Lmao you’re a fucking idiot. Nothing you’re saying has any basis in fact. Just biased personal experiences. To clarify, I’m not a virgin or an incel. But I know what it’s like to be a below average looking man with a reserved personality. You are invisible to pretty much everyone except for your mother. You have no understanding of other people’s struggles but you project your own privileges, assuming that everybody else isn’t trying hard enough. In reality we all try harder than lucky fucks like you, but thanks to survivorship bias it looks like you’re doing something that we aren’t. The harsh truth is that women have preferences, and no amount of “confidence” will change those preferences. Lifting, talking to women regularly, making friends, hygiene, none of this shit means anything for some guys because it all comes down to luck. You, like many redditors, are very reluctant to admit that your accomplishments are caused by luck, and not by hard work.

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