What do you think the big hook will be in the next expansion?

Some good thoughts, but what if Stormwind withstood the attack. Varian and his men defended their city, barricaded themselves behind their walls. Orgrimmar is wiped clean, Vol'Jin dead and the rest either missing or dead as well. Players of their respective allegiance are summoned to help. Alliance players are contacted through Jaina. She and her fellow mages create protals that enables the alliance to have some sort of communication with the outside world. Noone is certain what to do, and Varian has not been seen for a while. Anduin rises as the people's leader, with a much more determined agenda than before. A righteous leader that is willing to sacrifice his life to make sure Stormwind stands. Varian Wrynn and his closest men conduct highly secretive business behind the safety of his castle's walls. They are gathering information about what happened. Using portals to travel out into the field, killing, capturing, torturing.. He is putting the pieces together, unraveling treachery at it's very worst... As we saw in the ending of MoP, Varian came with a very clear warning to the Horde: If they fail to uphold honor, he will end them..... What Varian finds will escalate the tensions between the two factions. The Horde must pay, and this time it will not be harsh words, but harsh actions. But all of this is merely a building block for the NEXT expansion after the Burning legion invades. First, the legion must be dealt with. Varian is an excellent tactician, and knows fighting two opponents at the same time is foolish. One must be dealt with before the other and right now it's the burning legion that stands on his doorstep. Que an awsome cinematic of Varian kicking open the doors of his castle, marching out with the most determined look of war on his face you'd ever seen, with highly trained and geared men marching behind him. Warhorns are blowing and war is coming. Stormwind has risen.

As for the Horde: The players, who had been tasked with reaching Orgrimmar for further instructions arrive to see Orgrimmar is burned down.. Blood fills the empty street. Last seen, Vol'Jin was fighting a might legion lord. His dead body is hanged up as a warning at the front gates of the old Orgrimmar. Inside, a legion lord lies dead with Vol'Jins spear sticking out of his chest. Outside the gates sits Thrall on his knees, with his hammer lying on the ground behind him. He is devastated that his close friend and warchief Vol'Jin has been killed. He asks of the players to take him down from the walls of Orgrimmar and bury him like a proper warchief. Afterwards, Thrall tells the players where to head next. Baine has offered Thunder Bluff as a temporary refuge for the Horde. Thunder Bluff is untouched by the Legion for now and serves as a good tactical position if an invasion was to come. Just as the player and Thrall is about to head out, a portal opens. Out comes King Varian Wrynn, Jaina Proudmore, and 10 of his best men. Witht he words "The Horde will pay for their crimes", Jaina swiftly places a protective spell on Thrall's mace, unabling him to wield it. Varian quickly steps in, knocks Thrall unconscious and to the ground. He grabs him by the leg and drags him towards the portal. The cinematic ends here, and the player gains control of his character and can now fight Varians men. Unable to reach Thrall, the player can only fight to stay alive and watch as Varian drags Thrall though the portal. Jaina follows after him, and the portal closes... The players heads to Thunder Bluff, meet with Baine and other survivors. The story of what happened outside Orgrimmar becomes and outrage, but before the Alliance can be confronted, the burning legion has to pay for what has happened.

What I have tried to do here is create a bigger gap between the Horde and the Alliance. I don't like the path WoW has taken lately where the alliance and horde seem like they are growing together more than apart. I like it better when the players of their respective alliance feel a close connection to their alliance, and a "hatred" towards the opposite, and this is what I've tried to create here. So basically this is the start for the next expansion, which would have the conflict between the horde and the alliance in focus. Thanks for reading :P

/r/wow Thread