What is the "butterfly effect" event of your life?

So in university a girl (let’s call her A) asked me for directions to a class, then later that week I saw her in one of my classes and sat next to her. We became friends and hung out a bit, and I learned that A had a crush on a guy in our class who had mentioned he liked to go Swing Dancing on Sunday nights in town. I suggested we go because it sounded fun, and A jumped at the chance to run in to him there. The instructor was really fun, and the social dancing that followed was a blast. At the dance I ran into someone I had gone to the same high school as but never hung out with (let’s call her B), B and I recognized each other and connected enough that I came back again the next week even when A didn’t want to return (turns out the dude had a girlfriend, bummer for A).

With the new connection to B I was able to befriend a large group of people at the dance venue, and one other girl in particular (C) invited me to also go to a different venue one night. C and I ended up going to this other venue weekly as well as Bs venue.

The instructor I mentioned earlier at that lesson... surprise! He’s now my husband. He started attending Cs venue socially (not as an instructor), and we hit it off.

/r/AskReddit Thread