What can I [F21]offer guys since I'm ugly?

You have your personality, your brain, your heart to offer to guys. If that's not enough, then you don't need that guy in your life. Looks comes and goes in a relationship. We'll get tired of how "hot" the other person is after a couple months, or years of dating. Then they'll want to break up with the other person because of how "boring" or "stale" the relationship has become. Love is much more then then that.

Look, we all don't like one thing or another about the way we look. Nose, eyes, mouth, shape of jaw, big waist, small parts, etc. And honestly, you might not be 5'7. 110lbs with the perfect curves. But just from reading this short post; you're 21 and you're really putting yourself in a negative spot light. Believe me when I say that I too don't think I'm the most attractive guy. Hell, I didn't even get my first GF until around your age. But what I've learned is you can and will find love just by being who you are and confident in yourself and what your parents gave you. Stop buying into the perception hat we all have to look like somebody else to get the attention of guys. If you're happy and comfortable in your own skin, then that goes a lot further then you can imagine. Maybe possibly talk to a therapist. Since you've been bullied since a kid, your self-esteem level must be shot. And I've been there. We all have.

/r/relationships Thread