What can a girl do to stop being rejected all the time/be actually attractive to men?

OK. I guess you just want to keep complaining.

Sigh. Why am I not surprised that the second I changed my tone to being sincere/nice because I thought you were being sincere/nice to me, you switch to being an asshole again for no reason.

At this point it just sounds like you expect reddit to make you a full diet and exercise plan for your specific needs.

You're the ones who refused to respect my conclusion to not continue trying to lose weight.

So if you're going to fill up my inbox with insistence that I continue to try to lose weight, including some of you insulting me in the process, then yes, I expect you to be willing to help me deal with the problems I ran into when I made my own attempts.

Because, if you don't like the way I came up with to do something, it's your job to suggest something that will work better. Since I already came up with the best idea I could think of based on the information I knew to find with my personal experience and it didn't work.

Conversely, if you don't want to take the time to change your advice to fit my reality, that's fine, but then you folks need to stop riding my ass for choosing to not pursue the matter on my own since I already failed to figure it out on my own.

Every time you mention working out it just boils down to, "working out is boring."

Me: Decides to be sincere and earnest and explain how it's not just "working out is boring": I have diagnosed medical issues with focus, where I even have to figure out coping mechanisms for day-to-day required matters. Doing something I am not required to do that requires a lot of focus will be difficult unless I am able to come up with similar coping mechanism.

You: I will be an asshole and ignore everything you say to strawman that out to "working out is boring" because behaving like a decent human being is so hard gosh darn it.

If you want to be fit, you may not get to spend every waking moment of your life having fun! You may have to do certain exercises that are good for you that you dread.

I already spend my day sometimes doing things I dread that I am required to do to care for another human being. I already use up a lot of my time and energy on that alone.

No offense, but how old are you people, exactly? I'm getting the sense that some you don't have any concept of work, day-to-day responsibilities, health issues not related to weight, or the concept of spending hard work and effort on things that are not working out, which... doesn't really suggest people old enough to have adult responsibilities.

No offense, but when you have to do things like clean up body fluids on a regular basis, then maybe you can lecture me about if it's wrong to want to do fun things on my free time.

(Side note: Also irony that I have to push a 220lb woman around in a wheelchair on a regular basis, often while toting around a walker and full portable oxygen tank to boot, but I'm so unfit and unhealthy and lazy according to you folks.)

What you apparently need is for every single person on the internet to be nice to you.

I'd at least like the number of people on the internet who are assholes to me to be more like 10% versus 75% or so.

I already deal with enough assholes offline while caring for my mother. Again, when you deal with people constantly majorly screwing up important things or caring for someone who's difficult and abusive, then you can come back and lecture me about wanting to get to have some basic human decency given to me on my free time.

Again, not getting the sense that I'm talking to fellow adults here.

And honestly, you know what? Yeah, every single person on the internet should be nice. There is no valid reason to not be nice to people.

I also find it kind of... interesting that you folks want me to spend a large amount of effort to lose weight, but when I ask you folks to do the very easy thing of "not be a jerk", that's suddenly too much to ask?

That goal is infinitely more unrealistic than you becoming supermodel thin.

And it shouldn't be the case, since being a nice person is infinitely easier than losing weight.

Like, it's totally not hard. For instance, instead of typing:

"OK. I guess you just want to keep complaining."


"OK, you explained your situation to me, let me see if I can work with this and help you."


"OK, you explained your situation to me, and I think coming up with something that'd work is a bit beyond what I know. Sorry about that..."

It's really that easy.

Some people apparently suggest you need to be a size 8 to be attractive. I'm saying you don't.

OK, so honest question: What can I use to determine that you're more accurate than the people I should be ignoring?

instead of the very attainable goal of losing weight, you are creating a barrier for yourself

It's not attainable without hardship on top of the crap I already deal with in my life.

So if I'm going to put in the effort and still not have it achieve the results I want, I literally have plenty of other things to be doing that would be more enjoyable and/or useful.

I find it kind of ironic that a community who has lectured me on needing to have hobbies and interests seems to have no concept of someone having things to do in their life that don't revolve around weight loss.

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