What is the closest you've ever come to dying?

Honestly I've had lots of close calls, now that I think about it its kind of crazy. I'll pick the two that I think came closest. One time I had to do an 8 mile hike after classes training for a pack test(fitness test). You wear a 45 lb vest the whole time.. anyway after that I was driving home relaxing to some good ol classical music, and I ended up dozing off enough that I over-corrected badly enough to start spinning my car.. Normally this highway is super busy but I ended up being super lucky that no one was near. One man who did see what happened came and made sure I was okay.

The other major one that comes to mind is when I let my drunk friend drive another friend and I home.. After a rocky drop off(he was speeding, minor swerving) I should have just stopped him from driving but I ended up getting back in, said he was okay to drive. He ended up blacking out on the gas pedal not 5 minutes later and sheared through a 10" or more diameter tree. The car flipped in the process, it was a total wreckage. He had to get face surgery, something like 7 metal plates were installed.. I walked away with a bruise from the seat belt. He ended up alright afterwards thankfully, and turned his life around from what I can tell(we have lost touch since).

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