What is complete bullshit?

We went with a sapphire for my engagement ring, and have been very pleased with it. But you're right, the diamond industry has really done a number on people with the "diamonds are THE GEM for engagement rings" marketing. I wasn't prepared for so many relatives and friends thinking my ring was "unique" (in an odd way) or people assuming we got this ring because my husband couldn't afford a "real diamond" (he easily could, but neither of us wanted that). I also accidentally offended my SIL after she and my BIL got engaged - we had done so much research on stones before settling on sapphire, and I am still full of useless information about engagement rings and etc, and when she showed me the l ring I said something like, "Oh, it's so beautiful! Is it a diamond or a moissanite?" And oooooh, boy. You would have thought I asked her what garbage dump he picked the ring from. Apparently it's super offensive to suggest that an engagement ring is anything but an expensive diamond.

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