What creates an incel or a nice guy?

Oh that doesn't happen often. I don't go out much.

I think that it might be helpful to look back and see if there is one defining psychological attribute from ones childhood that sort of came out of nowhere, perhaps one that by now you forgot.

I also think there are other natural factors that stop people from sex/intimacy. For example, if during peak social times early on your weren't invited to the party/you lived too far and logistically couldn't go to any social things that others went to. Different things like that. Braces too maybe, I was always unmotivated when I had braces on in terms of anything sexual. Also academics could get in the way .. There all sorts of logistical reasons that are boring that also stop people.

I know a guy who once literally asked everyone at a party to make out with him and everyone rejected him and he started to cry. I felt pretty bad, but at the same time I had idea what it was like to be rejected like that. So I feel some sympathy for people who are constantly rejected and feel like they are worthless. At the same time, labeling yourself as one thing probably isn't helpful. You are many different things from one day to the next, in my experience at least.

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