What is the creepiest thing your ever seen outdoors?

I was in Aruba on vacation.

I was out in the water at one of the rocky beaches on the north east side of the island, and tide was coming up. I thought "I better get away from here- I don't want any issues." I looked around to get my footing, and my foot (of course!) got stuck in a hole in some rocks. I admittedly freaked out a little bit. There was something strange under my foot, too, I thought maybe it was just seaweed. I go my foot loose after about 5 seconds- I was more scared then anything, I wasn't really stuck.

When I looked to see what I had been standing on- I was expecting to see moss- it was a shoe. Then I thought that's really wierd, because it felt HARD, like soft moss on a rock.

I pulled up the shoe because I'm an idiot.

There was a foot in it. An honest to god, not very decomposed foot with the bone and meat still in it, but the I guess the bone and ankle had been chewed down to be just about level with the opening of the shoe.

Our tour guide called the police, and the police realized pretty quickly I had nothing to do with it, and they started to do heavy damage control. They mentioned that I wasn't the first person to have found a shoe on the beach- which made me feel 0% better. Then they escorted us back to our resort, and the resort was kind enough to compensate us quite a bit for our troubles, so that was nice.

Overall, the trip was a solid one, but the foot wasn't fun.

/r/ask Thread