What do you think of the current #wastehistime2016 trend on twitter?

I've lately been trying to stay neutral on gender politics due to respect for some people I'm close to, but this one tickles me in all the wrong ways, here's why:

Last summer, I was a goddamn virgin trying to date a girl I met through friends because, hey, isn't that what someone looking for intimacy should be doing when they are close to someone else? I had never wasted a woman's time, I had never given any woman false hopes about a relationship, I was genuinely looking for someone to share a special connection with.

And you know what follows my attempts at establishing a romantic bond with said girl? She does the exact shit I read in these tweets! Everytime I'd try to hang out with her, she'd bring her GODDAMN EX along, she'd always sneak out to his place whenever she was not with me and even then she'd keep setting up dates, telling me that "this was finally the one" and "apologizing" whenever she'd break that promise, which was ALL THE FUCKING TIME.

Honestly, I admit I was naive back then, but I never had any real girlfriend, I wanted to stop being single real badly and to me, at the time, that was my only chance at it! Of course future events proved me wrong, but I genuinely started to care about that person and eventually I got sick of that shit, so I messaged her on Facebook one day, telling her that I didn't want to talk to her anymore, not even as friends, and that I was sick of being constantly manipulated. I told her that she was nothing more than a kid (note: she was legal) that lacked the capacity to tell that every action and attitude of hers had an impact on people, so I pushed her away in the most pacific way possible even though in my mind I just wanted to tell her to "fuck off"

WIth that said, I hope you can now see my dislike of this new trend/hashtag, it trivializes and mocks what I've been through. I hate playing the victim card and I'll try to not play it as much as I can, but goddamn, do it's ridiculous when I read stuff that happened to me written in those tweets like if it was my fault for that to happen.

Maybe I'm a minority here, maybe what the trend describes happens a lot in favour of men, I'm not denying it, but I can't be the whole person who was deceived by this and feels like it's being mocked by these feminists and liberal media painting the hashtag as a noble thing to do.

With all due respect, #WasteHisTime2016 can go fuck off.

/r/AskMen Thread