What is currently the hottest, most juiciest gossip you've heard recently that concerns someone within your social circle or people you used to know?

I should be using a throwaway but fuck it this is too juicy. I'll leave out some specific details.


My friend (Ravi) recently graduated from dental school and his residency is in the same city where he has been dating this girl (Shiv) who was in the medical school. A little bit about them: they are both indian and were basically planning on getting married after they secured jobs. I've hung out with them both a bunch and have talked to them in depth about their studies. Ravi lives in a dorm but Shiv had her own apartment in a good part of the city and always seemed to be well off. Shiv had mentioned once that she got her residency for Dermatology (which is really competitive) and was graduating from school this spring (an Ivy league)

Here's where it gets juicy. Shiv always seemed a little off. She never stayed at her apartment and basically lived in Ravi's dorm. She didn't leave much, which was odd since she was in medical school and graduating shortly. Ravi's sisters had asked Shiv about the ceremony and she told them not to go because she didn't have tickets and it would be "boring" which they obviously didn't believe given their previous suspicions. So, like any normal nosy sisters would do, they called her school and asked about getting tickets. When they called, the school told them that no one of the name Shiv (last name) ever attended that school. So Ravi's sisters told literally everyone in their family and begged Ravi to confront Shiv.

Shiv breaks down and admits that she was given money from her parents (who live in India) to go to medical school, and instead she pocketed the money and was hoping she would get pregnant and trap Ravi into marriage. She was confident that Ravi would support her and never find out her secret. This girl is a total sociopath and built her whole relationship with Ravi on a bed of lies, however we all feel a little bad for her because this whole situation was shameful and embarrassing.

Here's the really funny part. When my friend was telling me this whole story we were catching up at a local Chili's in our hometown when, speak of the devil, Shiv is now a waitress at. She passes by the table after my friend told me every detail and we just kind of looked at each other in awe. We are still unsure of why she started working in the same town we live in. But that's the last I've seen of Shiv.

tldr; Friends girlfriend lies about going to medical school and entire boyfriends family finds out.

/r/AskWomen Thread