What a difference one card can make.

Elves? How did you think of this deck? Like what kind of brewer do you have to be to put a bunch of Elves in a deck? The synergy is so subtle and clever. Piloting this deck must be really taxing sometimes too. Dumping my entire hand on to the board every turn and smashing the attack all button? I couldn't do it. Sometimes you even have to stop yourself and hold up 4 mana so you can put more elves into play at instant speed. God this deck is so crazy how do you do it? Seriously, elves. Like I have been playing magic for years and never has a crazy deck idea like this ever crossed my mind. I wish there were more players out there like you who come up with these quirky brews so we could have this sweet interactive meta. The game of magic has all these nuances and design space and you really leveraged that to come up with this marvel of a deck. Hat's off to you man, really.

/r/MagicArena Thread Link - i.redd.it