What family drama do you want to get off your chest?

My dad was abused when he was young, and had to grow up way too fast to take care of his siblings. Because of this, he wanted to make sure his kids never had to experience anything like that, and did his best for my sister and I. He wasn't perfect, he drank, but never said a mean word to us, probably to a fault, because we weren't disciplined at all.

My sister is a drama queen, and decided in the last couple of years that she has PTSD, and that he was incredibly, horribly abusive towards us... or rather, just her, because I told her flat out that he never did ANYTHING abusive to us. She decided to allow him to stay in her life so he could pay her rent while she finished school, but recently went no contact with him, and is telling all these lies about him to friends and family. She'll often conjure up these fake memories about things he allegedly did. My dad asked me to stay in contact with her despite my better judgement, because he just wants her to be happy and to know that she's okay. I don't talk to her much anymore though, because if you say anything she doesn't agree with, she loses her fucking mind and rages at you, and insults your character until you break down.

We used to be so close, she was my best friend, but now I don't know if she's just some kind of sociopath or legitimately delusional.. it wouldn't be the first time she's turned on someone for not doing exactly what she wants. When we were in school, she would tell our mutual friends that I was some kind of horrible person, or twist my words to make it seem like I hated her. (ex. me saying "Lol, you're so crazy!" in a light hearted way in response to a story she told, turned into a hate campaign against me for insulting her mental stability..?)

Despite all this, I still love her, but she's a loon. She's been to therapists and doctors, but if she doesn't agree with them, she'll just stop going.. so I can't see an end in sight.

/r/AskReddit Thread