What famous tourist spot doesn't live up to the hype?

Sort of. Former Memphis resident here. No one lives in the house. The upstairs is largely empty save for elvis' gaudy Ginger Alden-era vgas style bedroom, which has been untouched since the day he died. His products are still on the vanity in the bathroom he passed away in. When you walk in the front vestibule, directly above you on the second floor is the spot between the toilet and the shower where elvis collapsed from his heart attack. Access to the area is through a deadbolted door hidden by potted plants at the top of the staircase. It's kind of morbid they just left it untouched and sealed off, and probably why no one staff is told about it, or instructed not to and make up the "living quarters" story. In fact the only people who have really been in it, is Lisa Marie when she was dating Nick Cage brought him up there to try on an Elvis jacket. It's really just sealed off to collect dust. Will it ever be opened? Maybe after both Pricilla and Lisa-Marie die. But not while either of them is alive.

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