What gets a bad reputation, but isn't actually bad?

This thread is interesting to me. I've never heard any negative things about msg in the way people here are talking. The only thing I've ever heard is Chinese buffets use a lot to make you eat less but then you are hungry shortly later so people don't feel they got their moneys worth. But studies actually show that could be true.

"MSG—a chemical added to Chinese food to enhance the flavor—may cause your hunger levels to yoyo: Researchers at the University of Sussex in the U.K. found that people who ate foods with the chemical were less hungry 30 minutes after eating, but their appetite then spiked an hour later."

I don't see that as making msg bad by itself though. Like everyone said, moderation. More bad on the business if that's a tactic to save money. I love Chinese food so it's never stopped me though!

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent