Stanford just made tuition free for families earning less than $125,000 per year

Why do you say that? People do crazy stuff all the time, especially in college.

When I was a freshman, I had a buddy that was taking a computer science class. He had an assignment to write a C++ function to play the prisoners dilemma. All of the students files (.cpp & .hpp) were to be merged into a giant program that would test each students functions against the others.

I learned to code when I was a child, so the idea of messing with them was just a little too enticing. I convinced my buddy to let me slip a few lines of code into his homework submission.

Using some #define magic, I hijacked the function responsible for performing the test to see who won. I also introduced one additional player -- the Phantom Menace (guess which movie was coming out at the time), and rigged the software so that any time a player tried to play against the Phantom Menace it would always lose. That is, it had a 100% correct decision rate.

I did this all in an obfuscated manner that made it really hard to figure out which file the Phantom Menace player code was hiding in. A simple search wouldn't do the trick: they'd have do some manual binary elimination with the students functions, 500 of them as I recall, to figure out where it was coming from.

When the results came back, sure enough, Phantom Menace was in the #1 spot.

I also went and took the final exam. I finished it as quickly as I could, skipping over the hard questions, so I could be the very first one done. I just wanted a passing grade.

I signed the exam, "The Phantom Menace," and, ran out of the class as soon as I was done, about 10 minutes.

The TA tried to stop me saying I'd forgotten to write my student ID on the paper, but I just ignored him and bolted out of the room.

The professor spent the next few days trying to figure out who the Phantom Menace was, how they'd snagged the #1 spot in the contest, and why they'd do all that anonymously...

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