What happened to me?

I feel so badly for you, I know what that strange, inexplicable and misplaced fear is like. (By the way, I'm a female, and much older than you, for what it's worth. Also, my master degree in science is in psychology, but I've never practiced.) Anxiety is awful and it can hang on when not treated. The phone is a scary thing when you have anxiety and if you didn't grow up using one all the time- which it definitely sounds like you have- so if it takes you writing down what you are going to say, do it. If it leads to you getting the help you need. Sometimes, (not always) a past trauma is to blame for anxiety, one you forgot about or never dealt with.) Also, when you are on the phone mention to whoever answers on the psychologist's or counselor's end, that you struggle with phone calls, mentioning it helps, since most people in the helping profession are kind and should be able to work with you, help you on the call. Whatever you do, NervousNellie, don't ignore it, do face this pesky fly and deal with it, it's a matter of just a few sessions that will ease your mental anguish and a med to help balance your moods, it's worth it!

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