just need comfort

Some teenager? Jesus, you're not just some teenager. That took a lot of courage to tell the worker at the hospital about your mom.That took courage to make a post even after the cops failed to do their job.

You're pretty freaking strong for being "some teenager."

Post this on /r/RaisedByNarcissists, even if you don't think your mom is a narcissist. You'll find soon enough that not only are you strong and loveable, but also that you are being wronged.

By homeschooling you, your mom is trying to keep you isolated from all the people that'll be pissed with her when they find out what she is doing to you.

Google directions to a nearby school, hospital, or police station. When your mom isn't around, get all the important documents you can into a bag--birth certificate, passport, social security, medical papers... anything official-looking with your name on it--. Then go to whichever one of these places is open, and don't leave until someone does their damn job and gets you out of that house.

The squeaky wheel gets the grease. So squeak like hell, and don't stop. Tell your story to everyone you can.

Don't do what I did. Don't be complacent. Don't wake up years later and realize how much time you lost because you accepted that horseshit labeled "love." Don't give up just because you feel unwanted. The people who want you are still out there, waiting for you to get there. Fight like hell to get to them!

And I know I post this a lot, but read this and replace "depression" with "your mom": http://boggletheowl.tumblr.com/post/41509206591/ive-been-getting-a-lot-of-these-lately-and-i

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