What jobs are grossly overpaid to the education/skill level needed?

Physiotherapists, at least here where I live. You go to school for like 5 years, they teach you all about biology, chemistry, how to operate machines that you will be using, the exams are fucking insane, you get your degree, you go to work. At work you almost always are treated poorly by your superiors, you're treated like shit by patients, you are understaffed and overworked most of the time. You need to do preparing, cleaning, managing, treating and almost everything else too. For all your efforts to get to this place and for working from 7 am to 3/4 pm (and often staying after work to clean or manage patients' cards and new arrivals) they pay you about 400-450 USD (I recalculated it to USD from my native currency) which barely covers rent, bills and food to survive from month to month. So yeah

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