What have you learned from the richest person that you know personally?

I don't even know who the richest person I know personally is. It could be one of my cousins who is apparently a millionaire, or my mum's boyfriend (for lack of a better word for him) who might also be a millionaire. It's hard to tell with actual rich people because they never show off their wealth, they drive old beat up trucks or cars and do their own projects, live in humble homes and quietly have accountants who visit them specially. But my cousin told me off for smoking and I guess that was what he taught me, to respect myself and to quit smoking. As for my mum's boyfriend, he's one of the most wonderful and kind people I know and he's taught me a lot about what I should aim for in life - to love the things I own and to build my own world and to care for those cloest to me. I wish I could spend more time with both of them, but I live so far away I have to fly down to visit. I find him to be possibly the father I never had and it breaks my heart I live so far from them, I would love to spend more time with him as he and my mum are so close and she sees something really special in him. He has the kindest and purest heart and I've never met anyone like him.

I have my reasons to suspect he's a millionaire which I won't disclose because I want to keep this somewhat private. But if you met him on the street you'd never guess it. He also never, ever talks about money. You know wealth (even moderate wealth) when they never even broach the subject, or avoid doing so. I wouldn't have even brought it up when discussing him but the question was about rich people so hey. I refuse to take a penny from him, but I will disclose that he has chosen to leave me his home... I cannot turn this down or deny such a gesture, but it is a heavy thing to inherit. I will be inheriting a half a million house in... well hopefully never, or as late as humanly possible since this will involve his passing and my mother's passing. It'll be a dark day when it passes to me.

So wealth only teaches me that human life and family is more important to me than money. My future may be secured in a sense, but only at the cost of people I love, and it won't fill that hole. I will fight on and go on my own way until that day, I don't want to rely on anything else. I will continue to climb in my own career, earn more money, get to a point where I can funnel money into my mum and let her enjoy the retirement she deserves, no matter what else her boyfriend does. I want to give back. That's what I understand and what I know.

/r/AskReddit Thread