What is it like to not be depressed?

I used to be depressed. I used to not see any meaning to life except fulfilling my pleasures, and even then I wasn't satisfied. I never had thoughts of suicide, but I did not have many friends, I thought nobody liked me, and I was worried that I would never be one of the happy and successful percentage of the world. That feeling of having no purpose in the world is dangerous. Everything was useless. Until I found God. I know most people say that every person has to find their calling in life, and everyone is destined for something in life. This is false. I learned through God's word, that riches is not the purpose to life. You can gain more through loving other people and having others feel good instead of yourself. Jesus said "I am the light of the world, whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life" John 8:12. Ever since I decided to learn about God and Christ, I enjoyed to work in all sorts of trade (except the mundane repetitive ones), enjoyed to bond with people, love to explore the world (the earth is filled with so many things to see, touch, smell, hear, and taste) and learning about God has made me smart in dealing with matters of life. I used to get offended about everything, now because of Jesus, I'm learning to 'bless those that curse' me (Luke 6:28). God has such a wonderful sense of irony, that you would find out that those things that you didn't think would benefit you, (like turning the other cheek to maintain the peace and not trouble your mind with quarrels) turn out to benefit you. I was grief to my parents, now my dad smiles more and I never knew that honoring my dad would bring me peace. Most important of all, I'm learning about God's person. About the way He handles things and how He has acted in the past. He is the most beautiful and wonderful person I ever got to know. And it brings me tears to learn about how innocent and pure He is. If you think He is a judgemental person, learn about Him through His book, the bible, and you will learn that He is the one "that teaches you what is best for you" Isaiah 48:17

/r/depression Thread