What It Looks Like When the Far Right Takes Control of Local Government

Exactly. When Obama was in office I asked her, do you think Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton should be involved in any of your religious beliefs? Obviously not. So then I explained to her how she believes in the separation of church and state

Crazy part is none of that matters. She just wants to make sure that her version of Christianity is the one that everybody follows. That's where she doesn't understand the failings of her beliefs. Let's say they did make all the schools Christian Schools and everybody had to learn the bible. Very quickly it would shatter into whose version of the Bible was the correct one. It will shatter along lines of baptism and whether a sprinkling is the same as a dunking, or what kind of water is used.

It would quickly devolve into a sunni/Shia type of battles. Extremism is never satisfied

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